Day 1: I’m thankful for a Friday night football game with family!
Day 2: Thankful for fruit trees in our backyard :)
Day 3: I’m thankful for Indian summers!
Day 4: I’m thankful for birds on wires. I photograph them more than a normal photographer might…
Day 5: VERY thankful for these creative children of mine :)
Day 6: Thankful for impromptu Thai take-out with family!
Day 7: I am thankful for the view of the sunset from the comfort of my snuggly bed :)
Day 8: I’m thankful for our Girl Scout Friday nights, our troop, and my awesome co-leaders that put up the slack when children have already exhausted me for the week… LOL
Day 9: I’m thankful for lazy Saturday mornings with children lying around making their Christmas wish lists.
Day 10: Thankful for 3-day weekends which mean Sunday night dinner with friends.