I’m very glad our Elf on the Shelf visit is over. It’s lots of fun for my kids, which is why I set my own sanity up on the shelf, and take the elf off for a few weeks. He actually never once sat on a “shelf” this December ;)
Just some daily pictures to catch up with my 365+1 project. That’s almost over, too.
We stayed up way too late last night getting ready for Christmas morning. My kids slept until 7:30am, too – I don’t think they’d slept in that late since summertime… figures!
Christmas shopping in the rain – makes me love Amazon THAT much more…
I dropped my camera recently. I *think* it’s okay, but my light meter seems a stop or so off :(
Molly was sun-bathing in the backyard. Me standing at the door with my camera didn’t even make her budge ;) Usually she’s chomping at the bit to get back in.
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