Category Archives: 365 for 2012


We had errands to run this evening, so I grabbed my camera. It was raining — I could take pictures of the rain on the windshield over and over… they are always interesting to me :)



The (mostly) finished product from two days ago that I posted about here.



So I’m making one of these. So far, I have spent $21 dollars, and I think it’s coming along well. Trying to make it all line up so that I don’t stare at it once we hang it after the… Continue reading ⟩⟩


Soccer! I am glad my kids enjoy themselves, but for the non-competitive (for the most part) age levels that they’re a part of, they suuuuuuure do have to spend a LOT of time at the soccer field. The worst part… Continue reading ⟩⟩


The weather is (knocking on wood) finally getting a little bit cooler in my area. I am ready for fall. I wanna put my shorts and tank tops away for a while…



This was tough to make it look the way I wanted it to. It’s hard to pretend you’re climbing up a wall, but it’s even harder to try to direct a 6 year old on how to do it!


This was one of those days when I didn’t have the chance to take a “better” picture. I’m in the countdown to being done with this year’s project, and some days I feel like I’ve lost my mojo…