Category Archives: 365 for 2012

42.366 and 43.366

40.366 and 41.366


I’m recovering from the worst stomach flu I’ve ever had. I feel 100 times better than I did yesterday, but even today, I have no energy and can barely move. Awful! My poor kids — they were so worried about… Continue reading ⟩⟩


It almost rained today. I was actually kind of looking forward to it. But, I never saw a drop… I was working on some action-testing for The Red Kitchen today, and used an old photo of Ainsley (which I’ll post… Continue reading ⟩⟩

36.366 and 37.366

34.366 and 35.366

And this next one is kind of a random capture — we’re painting our master bathroom today, and took out the old medicine cabinet to replace it. We set it in the backyard on the patio, and it reflected the… Continue reading ⟩⟩


I tried to think of a better explanation, but I just couldn’t come up with one. I have been crazy about bracelets – big, ridiculous, chunky, too-many-at-once, overindulgent bracelets for years. I make no apologies :)


