Category Archives: 365 for 2012



Horrible lighting for this, but I hadn’t taken a photo yet as our day today was INSANELY busy. After all the little things I had to do, I came home to find a box of these on the porch and… Continue reading ⟩⟩


The lemons on our tree and just ridiculously huge. They really should have been all trimmed down many weeks ago, but they’re up SO high on the tree, we don’t have the tools we need to get them down. Every… Continue reading ⟩⟩


Just took this a few minutes ago. The cat is still sitting in that little spot of sun as a type. I have my desk under our stairway because we have a huge unused space there, and it’s kind of… Continue reading ⟩⟩


Last night we went to a birthday party for a teacher friend. It was a good time! I even made a fool of myself doing the good old electric slide, HAHAH :)


Just a quick snap in my backyard. The seed pods on the wisteria that covers the patio are HUGE. They’re the strangest things — very heavy, very hard, but velvety-soft.


On Thursday it was “Crazy for school” spirit day, so we all dressed crazy, had crazy hair, crazy socks, etc. It’s always a challenge to do normal things like take my kids to school and stop at the grocery store… Continue reading ⟩⟩


My poor girl. She has yet to get the hang of the new responsibilities placed upon her this school year. She’s in third grade now, and will be 7 years old for two more months. I think she’s academically ahead… Continue reading ⟩⟩


Since getting all of the hand-me-down Barbies and Barbie accessories from my friend, I’ve wanted to do something like this. I dug out all of the Barbie boots today and showed the girls how silly it looked to put them… Continue reading ⟩⟩

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Today was the first day I was at home and both of my kids were at school all day. I still teach on a shared teaching contract, which is not my choice to still be doing, and I logged into… Continue reading ⟩⟩