Category Archives: My Girls

Early Morning Bath

This makes me go a little cross-eyed looking at it, but I love it when I capture a moment like this :)

First Homework Assignment

Today, we all sat down for homework time after school, and as Ainsley started her first homework packet, Avery said, “Mom, you should take pictures of this!” I guess they’re used to me taking pictures of everything, even the most… Continue reading ⟩⟩

First Day of School!

Or more importantly, the first day of Kindergarten for Ainsley :) Avery started first thing in the morning, but Ainsley didn’t go until mid-morning. We actually had to go back after school to take a few more because I wanted… Continue reading ⟩⟩

First Pedicure :)

So, as a farewell to summer gesture, I took the girls to get their first pedicure today. And by pedicure, I mean a quick file and paint job, with a flower of course :) They were SO excited. It was… Continue reading ⟩⟩


Some small part of me is kind of glad summer is winding down. It is difficult to entertain two kids on a budget when it’s 110 degrees outside… so, today we went to my classroom for a while (which is… Continue reading ⟩⟩

Camping in San Simeon

Suffice it to say, I am CAMPED out for the summer. Camping with kids is tons of work! The girls had the best time, though, and that’s what matters :) They got to see elephant seals, the zebras of Hearst… Continue reading ⟩⟩

Hamsterland! AKA, free ways to entertain your kids during summer…

So, the girls were wandering around lost and whining about summer being SO boring. Clearly they do not yet appreciate summer as it should be appreciated. So, my quick fix was to whip out a long sheet of paper, tape… Continue reading ⟩⟩

Summer Fun

The girls needed to have some space from each other today, so I put Avery to work with chores (she’s earning allowance to buy a scooter, I figure it’s good for her to ‘work’ for something occasionally) and Ainsley helped… Continue reading ⟩⟩

Meet Domino

Maybe, anyway. I have definitely decided to commit to thinking about possibly perhaps adopting this kitten. Naming him means I’m probably not going to be able to say “no.” Avery made a list of possible names tonight and I agreed… Continue reading ⟩⟩

Preschool Graduation Party!

Ainsley had her end-of-preschool pizza party today. I have to be honest, I was kind of dreading the big party field trip because I’m just ready for it to be summer! But, it was actually lots of fun – the… Continue reading ⟩⟩